Collective bargaining "working time" failed

Joint press release of BFFS, GDBA and VdO

Hamburg, 27.06.2023: The collective bargaining on working time regulations, which has been ongoing since October 2022, broke down today between the artists' unions GDBA, BFFS, VdO and the German Stage Association after numerous rounds of negotiations.

The goal of reducing workloads and agreeing on more predictability with the help of a working time framework model for the artists could not be achieved with the German Stage Association.

The three artists' unions have jointly presented concrete and comprehensive proposals for reducing or balancing peak loads. They have repeatedly addressed the concerns of the German Stage Association with further compromise proposals. After initial progress in negotiations, however, the German Stage Association gradually distanced itself from the jointly developed solutions.

Bernhard F. Störkmann, managing legal counsel of the BFFS, states: "Maintaining the status quo and even worsening working conditions cannot be the basis for any progress in negotiations.

"The aim of the negotiations is to achieve improvements in working conditions without compromising the artistic creative processes. The Bühnenverein does not see eye to eye on this," explains Tobias Könemann, managing director of the VdO.

"Overwork and lack of predictability have plagued theater professionals for many years. We will now explore new ways to change this state of affairs," said Lisa Jopt, executive president of GDBA.

All three unionists emphasize: "We call on all stage artists to actively join the demands of the unions.

If you have any questions, please contact Mesut Bayraktar: presse(at)

Stop NV-Flatrate: The collective bargaining committee of the artists' unions GDBA, BFFS, VdO demand relief and plannability for stage employees from the German Stage Association.

Working time collective bargaining failed 

Joint press release of BFFS, GDBA and VdO

Hamburg, 27.06.2023: After numerous rounds of negotiations, the collective bargaining on working time between the artists' unions GDBA, BFFS, VdO and the German Stage Association, which has been ongoing since October 2022, broke down today. 

The goal of reducing workloads and agreeing on more predictability with the help of a working time framework model for artists could not be achieved with the German Stage Association. 

The three artists' unions have jointly presented concrete and comprehensive proposals to reduce or compensate for peak workloads. They have repeatedly responded to the concerns of the German Stage Association with further compromise proposals. After initial progress in negotiations, however, the German Stage Association has gradually distanced itself from jointly developed solutions. 

Bernhard F. Störkmann, managing legal adviser of the BFFS states: "Maintaining the status quo and even worsening working conditions cannot be the basis for progress in negotiations". 

"The aim of the negotiations is to achieve improvements in working conditions without impairing the artistic creative processes. The Stage Association does not agree with this," explains Tobias Könemann, managing director of the VdO.
"Overwork and the inability to plan have plagued theatre professionals for many years. We will now find new ways to change this situation," says Lisa Jopt, executive president of the GDBA. 

All three trade union representatives emphasise: "We call on all stage artists to actively join the demands of the trade unions. "

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