TOI TOI TOI Magazine
TOI TOI is the bimonthly member magazine of the GDBA. Members receive it free of charge. All others can subscribe to the magazine. Have a browse - online too
"At the theater: artistic directors, stage managers, dramaturges, actors, singers, conductors, choral directors, choral singers, choreographers, dancers, set designers, technical directors and board members, administrative directors.
"Freelance artists from the theater sector
"Stage agents, artists' and concert agencies, theater institutes, theater archives, associations and institutions in the field of theater, television, radio, professional associations, training centers.
" Orchestras, radio and television stations, festival organizations.
"Cultural politicians, cultural editors of newspapers and magazines, publishers
Published by:
Genossenschaft Deutscher Bühnen-Angehöriger
Lisa Jopt
Jörg Rowohlt
Editorial & Public Relations:
Mesut Bayraktar
Peter Lohmann
Jörg Rowohlt (responsible)
Printed by:
Print Media Group GmbH, Hamm
Photographic material, manuscripts and other documents are always welcome. No liability is accepted for unsolicited material. Articles in TOI TOI TOI do not necessarily reflect the views of GDBA or Bühnenschriften-Vertriebs-GmbH. TOI TOI TOI is published bi-monthly. Reprinting only with permission of the publisher.
Media data will be sent on request.
Would you like to harness the power of the new GDBA for yourself? If you are interested in advertising your company in our magazine, please contact our editorial office: redaktion(at)gdba.de
You can find our media data here.