Press invitation #StopNVFLATRATE

First joint online press conference of the three stage unions BFFS, GDBA and VdO
Berlin, February 8, 2024
14.02. 2024 11 a.m.
Click here to register
The press conference is reserved exclusively for journalists.
Click here for the press invitation as PDF.
The Bundesverband Schauspiel (BFFS), the Genossenschaft Deutscher Bühnen Angehöriger (GDBA) and the Vereinigung deutscher Opern- und Tanzensembles (VdO) invite you to a joint online press conference for the first time on February 14 at 11 am. The reason for this is the persistently stressful working conditions at many stages due to the lack of working time regulations in the NV Bühne collective agreement.
Employees, their trade unions and other interest groups have been fighting for years to improve working conditions at regional, municipal and state theaters. Under the title #StoppNVFlatrate, the three stage unions want to draw public attention to the need for change in the NV Bühne collective agreement.
What is everyday working life like at the theaters?
What is the situation regarding the compatibility of family and career?
What workload are employees exposed to?
The representatives of BFFS, GDBA and VdO will answer these and your questions at the online press conference.
- Klara Deutschmann, BFFS Board of Directors
- Bernhard F. Störkmann, Managing Legal Advisor BFFS
- Lisa Jopt, President of the GDBA,
- Wolfgang Schwaninger, Attorney GDBA
- Tobias Könemann, Managing Director of VdO
- Gerrit Wedel, Deputy Managing Director of VdO
Press contact
Sandra Schulz
Mesut Bayraktar
Gerrit Wedel