Stage unions against the right

The so-called "secret meeting" of leading AfD politicians with members of the CDU-Werteunion, entrepreneurs and neo-Nazis in Potsdam has deeply shaken us, the sister unions BFFS, GDBA and VdO.

Thanks to the courageous investigative work of the journalists from the "correctiv" media network, we know that expulsion plans were discussed there. Under the cover word "remigration", those present discussed deportation and the ethnic and cultural assimilation of our society. We are talking about asylum seekers, citizens with the right to stay - and non-assimilated citizens, including people with German nationality. These plans affect millions of people, including numerous colleagues from German theaters and many of our members.

We know from our history where inhuman fantasies and racism lead. As a stage trade union, we have a responsibility to send a strong signal against these inhuman plans. We say: No! Never again.

The meeting shows us that there is a real threat to our democracy, our constitution and our pluralistic society. Millions of people have raised their voices against this danger in recent weeks. Our members were also there and are still there. That gives us courage. It gives us hope. It gives us strength and inspiration.

Because this country and our theater world is made up of many people with different stories and identities - we love that. That's what sets us apart. That is what distinguishes art and culture.

We theater professionals must defend our democracy, because we are inextricably linked to it.

The so-called "secret meeting" of leading AfD politicians with members of the CDU-Werteunion, entrepreneurs and neo-Nazis in Potsdam has deeply shaken us, the sister unions BFFS, GDBA and VdO.

Thanks to the courageous investigative work of the journalists from the media network "correctiv", we know that plans for expulsions were discussed there. Under the cover word "remigration", those present discussed deportation and the ethnic and cultural assimilation of our society. We are talking about asylum seekers, citizens with the right to stay - and non-assimilated citizens, including people with German nationality. These plans affect millions of people, including numerous colleagues from German theaters and many of our members.

We know from our history where inhuman fantasies and racism lead. As a stage trade union, we have a responsibility to send a strong signal against these inhuman plans. We say: No! Never again.

The meeting shows us that there is a real danger to our democracy, our constitution and our pluralistic society. Millions of people have raised their voices against this danger in recent weeks. Our members were also there and are still there. That gives us courage. It gives us hope. It gives us strength and inspiration.

Because this country and our theater world is made up of many people with different stories and identities - we love that. That's what sets us apart. That's what makes art and culture special.

We theater professionals must defend our democracy, because we are inextricably linked to it.

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